Kategori Arkiver: Nyheder

Petite Machine Lindholdt Studio

Lindholdt 2014 – Design made in Denmark for the world.   The Lindholdt brothers are the original founders of CPH Square – the kitchen design that put Denmark on Wallpapers list of cool stuff in the world. The motto of the two brothers is ‘room for everything except compromises’ – and this motto describes the […]

Petite Machine Lindholdt Studio

Lindholdt 2014 – Design made in Denmark for the world.   The Lindholdt brothers are the original founders of CPH Square – the kitchen design that put Denmark on Wallpapers list of cool stuff in the world. The motto of the two brothers is ‘room for everything except compromises’ – and this motto describes the […]

Arkys Design Jean-Marie Massaud

A comfortable and cosy armchair, the strong personality of Arkys is expressed through its metal mesh shell. Arkys is available in two versions: basic, with epoxy-polyester-painted steel in various colours and outdoor version in zinc-coated and powder-coated steel. There are several ways to customize it: the metal supporting structure comes painted in six colours, which […]

Scintilla – Pietro Russo

  ‘Scintilla’ brings glass crafting opposites together in an astounding new product. On one hand we see the highly industrialized technique of borosilicate inner extrusion, which when lit, causes the light to sparkle and scintillate due to its ribbed reflective surface.On the other hand we see a contrast with the outer traditionally mouth-blown shape – […]

Mantis BS 1 – Schottlander by DCW Éditions

Lampen Mantis er designet af Bernard Schottlander i 1951. Han var hovedsagelig billedhugger. Inspireret af de abstrakte skulpturer af Alexander Calder og Henry Moore, designet Schottlander denne subtile serie af lamper i stil med Serge Mouille og Gino Sarfatti. Lamperne bliver nu genproduceret af det franske selskab DCW Editions ( som også står bag genudgivelsen af den […]

Lysestager “Mille et Une Nuits” Gien 1885

Bougeoirs Mille et une Nuits. Den klassiske lysestage er blevet gentænkt og findes nu i faïence i fantastiske smukke farver: Jade, Turquoise, Terracotta, Améthyste eller Bleu Gien. Lysestagen er inspireret af Louis XVI og bliver produceret i Gien i Frankrig siden 1885. Glaseret i hånden. Emaljefarverne er udviklet specielt til denne kollektion. Klik her for […]