Kategori Arkiver: Beau Marché

Petite Machine – Lindholdt Studio

Lindholdt 2014 – Design made in Denmark for the world. The Lindholdt brothers are the original founders of CPH Square . The motto of the two brothers is ‘room for everything except compromises’ – and this motto describes the way they work – playfully and still consciously about quality and functionality. Now the two brothers […]

Petite Machine Lindholdt Studio

Lindholdt 2014 – Design made in Denmark for the world.   The Lindholdt brothers are the original founders of CPH Square – the kitchen design that put Denmark on Wallpapers list of cool stuff in the world. The motto of the two brothers is ‘room for everything except compromises’ – and this motto describes the […]

Petite Machine Lindholdt Studio

Lindholdt 2014 – Design made in Denmark for the world.   The Lindholdt brothers are the original founders of CPH Square – the kitchen design that put Denmark on Wallpapers list of cool stuff in the world. The motto of the two brothers is ‘room for everything except compromises’ – and this motto describes the […]

Arkys Design Jean-Marie Massaud

A comfortable and cosy armchair, the strong personality of Arkys is expressed through its metal mesh shell. Arkys is available in two versions: basic, with epoxy-polyester-painted steel in various colours and outdoor version in zinc-coated and powder-coated steel. There are several ways to customize it: the metal supporting structure comes painted in six colours, which […]